Collection: All-Natural Timothy Grass Hay & Pellets

Our Timothy hay is the world's best-kept secret - it's so good, even the rabbits won't tell you where they got it! Grown by our friends on their multi-generational farm in Diamond Valley, it's no surprise that this hay is sought after by small pets and large animals alike. Give it a try and watch your furry friends hop with joy!

Not sure which hay is best for your pet?

First Cut Timothy Hay: It is higher in fiber, making it a good choice for overweight or older animals that need more roughage in their diet.

Second Cut Timothy Hay: It is lower in fiber but higher in protein and nutrients, making it a good choice for growing animals, nursing mothers, and active pets.

Orchard Grass: This hay is a good alternative to timothy hay. It is higher in protein and lower in fiber than timothy hay, making it a good choice for young or active animals.

Alfalfa: it is high in protein and calcium, making it a good choice for young animals, pregnant or nursing mothers, and sick or recovering pets. However, it is not recommended for adult animals as it is too rich and can lead to obesity and other health problems.